Ginger K Brudos, Ph.D.
1220 University Drive, Suite 102
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 304-9204
Ginger K Brudos, Ph.D.
1220 University Drive, Suite 102
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 304-9204
I am a clinical psychologist with a speciality in pediatric neuropsychology. My practice is devoted to conducting developmental, cognitive, social-emotional and educational evaluations of young children through young adults.
My assessments are informed by many years of experience in outpatient and inpatient settings, including my work while on the medical staff at Stanford Children’s Health. I have conducted research in a variety of areas including ADHD, academic achievement, social development, mindset, long term outcomes of children who were born prematurely, and developmental implications for children who have had cardiac transplants.
I have extensive experience working in the field of developmental disorders such as specific learning disabilities, attention deficits, and autism spectrum disorder, as well as identifying emotional factors that impact development and education such as anxiety and depression. I also have extensive experience with gifted children who may have unique challenges due to uneven development across areas of functioning.
My richest education has come from being a parent in our community and abroad, raising my own three children into adulthood.
I provide consultations, school observations, and evaluations. Evaluations range from intellectual assessments for school admission to more comprehensive assessments including cognitive processing (e.g. attention, memory, visual and auditory processing, fine motor coordination, language, sensory processing, executive functioning), academic achievement, and social-emotional development. Assessments are customized for each child depending upon the referral questions.
Common Concerns for Referral:
School admission testing (WPPSI-IV, WISC-V, WAIS-IV) • Learning disabilities (reading, written expression, math) • Academic underachievement • ADHD • Executive functioning (weak organization, planning, initiation, strategic and efficient multistep problem solving) • Processing speed • Social Pragmatic Language • Autism Spectrum Disorder • Selective Mutism • Anxiety • Depression • Confidence • Self Esteem • Perfectionism, Developmental and educational sequelae to medical events (e.g. concussion, premature birth, cardiac issues) • Giftedness • Uneven development • Social difficulties • Sibling of child with diagnosed condition • Monitoring response to interventions • Kindergarten readiness
Sometimes a child may come for just one appointment lasting two hours, as in the case of cognitive testing for school admissions. More typically, to address concerns and questions, an evaluation consists of an (1) initial parent meeting (2) two to four appointments with child (3) a parent feedback meeting, and (4) a written report with recommendations.
The evaluation usually includes multiple sources of information and includes many of the following components:
•Developmental Intake Questionnaire
•Initial intake appointment
•Previous assessments reviewed
•School Observation
•Testing Sessions, typically two to five appointments
•Rating Scales
•Parent Feedback Meeting
•Fully detailed written report with recommendations
•Student Feedback Meeting, when appropriate
•School Meetings, when requested and possible
A pediatric neuropsychologist is a licensed psychologist with training in clinical psychology, neuropsychology (brain-behavior relationships), and child development. They use their knowledge of brain development to understand testing results. They identify strengths and weaknesses, sometimes making a diagnosis, and look at what is causing the weakness or behavior. For example, there are many different reasons why a child might struggle with attention or reading. As a clinical psychologist, they can also identify psychological conditions, such as anxiety and depression, which may be influencing a child’s functioning.
Pediatric Neuropsychology: A guide for parents